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Wild cherry
Semences / :
5000 - 7000
Nombre de plants attendus / :
1500 - 2500
Conseils de prégermination : Stones need to be stratified during 5 to 6 months on the field in order to get good seedling coming up. Fresh seeds (water content of 25 to 30%) are delivered in Autumn for direct sowing. On the other hand, dry seeds are more suitable for rootstocks of fruit tree production and must be re-hydrated (soaking during 24 hours) prior to sowing. Pre-treated seeds, to book in Summer, are also available for early Spring delivery. To conclude, whatever items you choose, keep in mind to sow seeds early enough in Spring and thus avoiding germination process stand- by due to high temperatures.
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Seed orchard with 36 families selected by INRAE, for their good growth, branching, and anthracnosis resistance.
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Seed orchard with 36 clones of plus-trees selected by INRAE in 26 clonal tests, for their good growth, branching, and anthracnosis resistance.
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PG PN fin non forestière
Selection of small stones (from 5 000 to 8 000 stones per kilo).
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PONTARIS ® Fercadeu
This INRA breeding is as vigorous as F12-1, but with a very few suckers on orchard site. The production of Virus Free seeds is made under the control of the French fruit certification department (CTIFL)
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PONTAVIUM ® Fercahun
This INRA breeding is more vigorous than F12-1, with a few suckers on orchard site. The production of Virus Free seeds is made under the control of the French fruit certification department (CTIFL)
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Broadleaved trees